Before Art Tatum, Ray Charles, and even Stevie Wonder…
There was TOM…
Join me on a journey into the enigmatic world of the Autistic Savant, while we take a DEEP dive into the life of the incomparable genius known as “Blind Tom” Wiggins.
The only way to change history, is to educate yourself first!
(Just a few of the many…) Current Organizations Doing Good Work Right Now: 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Equal Justice Initiative: https://eji.org
EJI- Alabama Legacy Museum
Southern Poverty Law Center: https://www.splcenter.org
Teaching Tolerance: https://www.tolerance.org
B-Well: The Maktaba: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1tTSNpg2UdDxP43bNr57hq4iZNR9nVGepmXLauRzkeNc/mobilebasic
Anddddddd in case you forgot,
- INDIpendent
Instagram: @iindiipendent
In collaboration with B.A.S.S. [https://www.blackandafricansolidarityshow.com]
Clip Links:
What is Autism?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4G0HTIUBlI
“Last Legal Slave in America” (2006): https://vimeo.com/23726847
Blog Links & Articles:
Dierdre O’Connell: http://www.blindtom.org/#/who-was-blind-tom/