For me B.A.S.S. has become a union, it is a collective which embodies community, family & safety. It’s providing a safe space and really encourages collective consciousness. I feel as though it has been an amazing journey seeing B.A.S.S. become a platform as well as a forum for young people, for those who do not feel confident, to share their talent and unapologetic blackness. B.A.S.S. has incorporated various ways to showcase talent whether that be academic research knowledge or artistry in art, music and spoken word. it just encompasses so many various skill sets and has encouraged others to pursue their talents. I myself have been able to use the provisional space to rebuild my confidence in public speaking and performing. I’ve also met some amazing souls and like-minded souls that have reminded me to invest in my creativity and I can tell that it’s going to be a collective that continues to grow and provide a loving environment that is full of comfort, understanding and patience. I can’t wait to see it grow more, because I hope that I shall be a part of it for a long time and I hope that my B.A.S.S. Family continue to challenge my insecurities and my limiting beliefs whilst instilling love and empowerment.